Forages and Pastures: Silages and forages in beef and sheep production systems

Section: Forages and Pastures
Format: Posters
Day/Time: Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Gatlin Ballroom
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
Tiller population stability index from the spring in palisadegrass previously used in deferred grazing.
Simone Pedro da Silva
Performance of crossbred cows on Tanzania grass pastures subjected to two pasture-management strategies.
Alberto Magno Fernandes
Performance of cows and calves grazing limpograss pastures as affected by creep-feeding protein supplements.
J. M. D. Sanchez
Decreased reproductive rates in sheep fed a high selenium diet.
Thomas Z. Davis
Total nitrogen in Marandu-grass pastures under different grazing intensities in southeast Brazil.
Mariana Vieira Azenha
Effects of conservation method on condensed tannin content, ruminal and intestinal digestion characteristics of purple prairie clover.
Yuxi Wang
Nutrient content of Atriplex canescens (Pursh Nutt) as a function of soil electrical conductivity.
Aracely Zúñiga
Nutritional composition of a Musa sp. fodder bank located in the central part of Costa Rica.
Pablo Chacon Hernandez
Litter lignin and phosphorus content in different grazing intensities of Marandu-grass pasture in Southeast Brazil.
Ana Claudia Ruggieri
Adding medium quality hay to the diet of stocker calves grazing annual ryegrass did not improve beef production.
Guillermo Scaglia
Cow-calf performance and gain per ha from bermudagrasses overseeded with ‘Apache’ arrowleaf clover or ‘TAM-90’ annual ryegrass and stocked at three intensities.
Francis M. Rouquette
Performance of steers raised on pastures of elephant and mombasa grasses.
Alberto Magno Fernandes
Diurnal time to move animals to a new paddock: Forage nonstructural carbohydrates concentration, grazing patterns, and performance of beef cattle.
F. C. Leite de Oliveira
Sequential and mixed grazing of stockpiled toxic tall fescue by fall-calving Angus cows and Katahdin ewes.
Taylor N. Drane
Performance and reproductive measurements by spring-born Katahdin ewes grazing stockpiled toxic tall fescue, non-toxic tall fescue, or Persist orchardgrass.
H. L. Bartimus