Physiology and Endocrinology: Estrous synchronization and detection of estrus in cattle

Section: Physiology and Endocrinology
Format: Posters
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Gatlin Ballroom
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
Efficacy of PGF doses to induce luteolysis on day 5, 7, or 9 of estrus cycle in nonlactating Nellore cows.
Marcos V. Biehl
Addition of gonadotropin-releasing-hormone treatment at the beginning and/or at the end of an estradiol-based protocol for timed artificial insemination in Nelore (Bos indicus) cows.
Carla Cristian Campos
Using estrus-detection patches to optimally time artificial insemination improved pregnancy rates in suckled beef cows in a timed AI program.
Scott L. Hill
Treatment of primiparous lactating dairy cows with GnRH before first insemination during summer heat stress.
Benjamin E. Voelz
Treatment of multiparous lactating dairy cows with GnRH before first insemination during summer heat stress.
Benjamin E. Voelz
Presynchronization strategy using prostaglandin F and GnRH to improve fertility in a resynchronization program based on detection of estrus.
Luís G. D. Mendonça
Progesterone concentration at each treatment during an Ovsynch protocol affects fertility to timed AI in lactating Holstein cows.
P. D. Carvalho
Timed AI improves reproductive performance and reduces cost per pregnancy in dairy heifers.
Jose E. P. Santos
Addition of a second dose of prostaglandin F to a fixed-time AI protocol improves fertility of anestrous dairy cows.
Francisco R. Lopes
Effect of a second treatment with prostaglandin F during the Ovsynch protocol on pregnancy to the timed AI.
Fenella Cochrane
Efficacy of different fixed-time AI protocols using GnRH, estradiol, and progesterone in lactating dairy cows.
Leonardo F. Melo
The use of a modified 5-day CIDR-Cosynch protocol for resynchronization in lactating dairy cows.
J. A. Spencer
Assessment of an application for mobile devices developed to evaluate the AI procedure.
Santiago Bas
Estradiol and GnRH on ovulation induction in crossbred cows estrus synchronized.
Ciro Alexandre Alves Torres
Effect of estrous synchronization program, season, body condition score and ovarian status on pregnancy rate to fixed-time AI in beef cows.
Federico Randi
Body weight loss of cows early postpartum is associated with negative effects on estrous expression.
Tracy A. Burnett
Automated detection of estrus using multiple commercial precision dairy farming technologies in synchronized dairy cows.
L. M. Mayo
Using the Draminski Estrous Detector in the dry cow to measure electrical resistance of vaginal mucus as it relates to animal factors pre- and postcalving.
Caitlin L. Widener
Estrus lying behavior of Holstein cows: Risk factors for estrus expression, ovulation risk and pregnancy per AI.
Bruna F. Silper
Characterization of ovarian function in nonpregnant previously inseminated lactating dairy cows.
Robert Wijma
The effects of ovulatory status of the dominant follicle and spatial relationship of the corpus luteum on diameter and average growth rate of that dominant follicle.
Ashleigh M. Muth-Spurlock