Presentations by Kenneth G. Odde

Oral PresentationPoster Presentation
Effect of breed on the sale price of beef calves sold through video auctions from 2010 through 2014.
Kenneth G. Odde
  • Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM in Gatlin Ballroom
  • Poster Presentation in Beef Species
What can industry and academia do to help maintain viability of dairy/animal science departments at land-grant institutions?
Kenneth G Odde
  • Monday 2:30 PM–3:00 PM in Panzacola F-4
  • Oral Presentation in ADSA Foundation PhD Symposium: Meeting the present and future demand for employees with a PhD
Assessing teaching skills when hiring new faculty members, and rewarding faculty and graduate students for teaching well.
Kenneth G. Odde
  • Tuesday 3:00 PM–3:30 PM in Sebastian I-1
  • Oral Presentation in Teaching/Undergraduate and Graduate Education Symposium: Teaching graduate students to teach and be successful at teaching

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