Abstract #T247
Section: Horse Species
Session: Horse Species
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Gatlin Ballroom
Session: Horse Species
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Gatlin Ballroom

# T247
Effectiveness of a brewer’s yeast supplement with or without fat for weanling horses.
J. Latham Brister*1, Toree L. Bova1, Jeneva R. Seidl1, Lauren B. Hodge1, Angela R. Mays2, Brian J. Rude1, 1Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, 2F.L. Emmert Company, Cincinnati, OH.
Key Words: equine, brewer’s yeast, fat supplementation
Effectiveness of a brewer’s yeast supplement with or without fat for weanling horses.
J. Latham Brister*1, Toree L. Bova1, Jeneva R. Seidl1, Lauren B. Hodge1, Angela R. Mays2, Brian J. Rude1, 1Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, 2F.L. Emmert Company, Cincinnati, OH.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of additional fat to a brewer’s yeast supplement on hoof, coat, and body condition of weanling horses. Twelve Quarter Horse weanlings (7 colts and 5 fillies) were utilized in an 84 d feeding trial using 3 dietary treatments: 1) a commercially available horse feed (10% CP, 4.5% fat) at 0.9% BW; 2) diet 1 plus a brewer’s yeast product at 113g/d; 3) diet 2 plus vegetable oil at 5% of the diet. Weanlings were fed half of their ration twice daily (0600 and 1800 h) with all 3 treatments receiving the diet 1 portion of their treatment at 0.9% BW/d, to meet NRC requirements based on forage analysis. Body weight (BW) measurements and body evaluations were collected at initiation of the trial and every subsequent 28 d until 84 d. Body evaluations included coat condition, BCS, and hoof condition. Coat and hoof condition were evaluated on a scale ranging from 1 to 5 (1 reflecting poor or damaged and 5 reflecting glossy), with coat evaluation scale accounting for condition, texture, and appearance. Body condition score was based on the standard BCS scale of 1 to 9. During the first 7 d post weaning, weanlings were divided into groups of 3 (1 weanling randomly assigned to each treatment) and housed together in open lot to reduce stress. Weaned groups were offered ad libitum access to hay and water while introduced to the diet 1 portion of their dietary treatment. Diets were determined as a percent of the weanling’s BW, which was adjusted every 28 d. Weanlings were also provided ad libitum access to grass, bermudagrass hay, and water. Data were analyzed through ANOVA using the GLM procedures of SAS. As expected, BW increased throughout the trial for all 3 treatments. After 28 d foals on diet 2 and 3 had increased BW (P = 0.0102; 211 and 207 kg, respectively) compared with foals on diet 1 (194 kg). There were no differences for BCS (P = 0.2768), coat score (P = 0.3243), or hoof score (P = 0.5014). Supplementation with brewer’s yeast increased BW gains, but additional fat did not affect horses on the concentrate diet. In conclusion, added fat did not increase brewer’s yeast affects in weanling horses.
Key Words: equine, brewer’s yeast, fat supplementation