Abstract #W310

# W310
Relationships of feedlot performance and rumen morphometrics of Nellore cattle differing in phenotypic residual feed intake.
Murillo Ceola Stefano Pereira2, Gustavo Durante Cruz3, Mario De Beni Arrigoni2, Juliana Silva1, Tássia Veluma Barbosa Carrara2, Danilo Domingues Millen*1, 1São Paulo State University (UNESP), Dracena, São Paulo, Brazil, 2São Paulo State University (UNESP), Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, 3Cargill Animal Nutrition, Elk River, MN.

The objective of this study was to examine the relationship of feedlot performance, DMI variation and rumen morphometrics of Nellore cattle classified by residual feed intake (RFI). A study was conducted, in 2 consecutive years, using individual pens at São Paulo State University feedlot, Dracena campus, Brazil. At year 1, forty-eight 20-mo-old Nellore bulls (358.2 ± 19.4 kg) were fed for 94 d. At year 2, sixty 20-mo-old Nellore bulls (402.5 ± 33.0 kg) were fed for 84-d. All Nellore bulls were categorized as high RFI (RFI >0.5 SD above the mean, n = 25), medium RFI (RFI ± 0.5 SD from the mean, n = 56) and low RFI (RFI <0.5 SD below the mean, n = 27). The finishing diet, in both years, contained: 71.5% cracked corn grain, 16.0% sugarcane bagasse, 7.7% soybean meal, 3.5% supplement, and 1.3% urea (DM basis). Variables were analyzed by a linear model with year and RFI groups as the main effects, with interactions. Animals classified as low RFI had lower (P = 0.01) initial BW (high = 382.5 kg; medium = 378.1 kg; low = 371.8 kg), daily DMI in kg (high = 10.1 kg; medium = 9.5 kg; low = 8.2 kg), daily DMI expressed as % of BW (high = 2.32%; medium = 2.18%; low = 1.92%), and improved (P = 0.01) G:F ratio (high = 0.112; medium = 0.131; low = 0.143). However, no significant (P > 0.10) RFI effect was observed for ADG (high = 1.14 kg; medium = 1.25 kg; low = 1.16 kg), final BW (high = 484.0 kg; medium = 489.5 kg; low = 474.7 kg) and HCW (high = 266.7 kg; medium = 262.7 kg; low = 256.1 kg). Moreover, animals categorized as high RFI had lower (P = 0.02) DMI variation (high = 12.28%; medium = 15.14%; low = 16.24%). No significant (P > 0.10) RFI effect was observed for rumenitis (high = 1.4; medium 1.4; low = 1.1), number of papillae (high = 45.6; medium = 43.6; low = 43.1), and absorptive surface area (high = 25.4 cm2; medium = 26.3 cm2; low = 22.7 cm2). Nonetheless, Nellore bulls ranked as low RFI presented smaller (P = 0.07) mean papillae area (high = 0.55 cm2; medium = 0.60 cm2; low = 0.50 cm2). Selection of low RFI Nellore bulls is feasible because it does not negatively affect feedlot performance, HCW, and rumen characteristics.

Key Words: papillae, Nellore