Abstract #458

# 458
Supplemental Smartamine M in high-energy diets during the peripartal period improves production and hepatic biomarkers of oxidative status in Holstein cows.
Mario Vailati Riboni*1, Johan S. Osorio2, Erminio Trevisi3, James K. Drackley1, Daniel Luchini4, Juan J. Loor1, 1University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 2Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 3Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Italy, 4Adisseo S.A.S, Alpharetta, GA.

Feeding higher-energy prepartum is a common practice in the dairy industry. However, recent data underscore how it could reduce performance, deepen negative energy balance, and augment inflammation and oxidative stress in fresh cows. We tested the effectiveness of rumen-protected methionine in preventing the negative effect of feeding high-energy prepartum. Twenty-one multiparous Holstein cows were fed a controlled-energy diet (CON, n = 7; 1.24 Mcal/kg DM; high-straw) during the whole dry period (~50 d), or switched to a higher-energy (OVE, n = 7; 1.54 Mcal/kg DM), or OVE plus Smartamine M® (OVE+SM, n = 7; Adisseo NA) during the last 21 d before calving. Afterward cows received the same lactation diet (1.75 Mcal/kg DM). Smartamine M was top-dressed on the OVE diet (0.07% of DM) from −21 through 30 d in milk (DIM). Liver samples were obtained via percutaneous biopsy at −10, 7 and 21 DIM. Expression of genes associated with energy and lipid metabolism, hepatokines, methionine cycle, antioxidant capacity and inflammation was measured. Although prepartal dry matter intake (DMI) was not affected (P = 0.21) by diet, it was lower (P < 0.005) in OVE than CON and OVE+SM. Milk yield and ECM were lower (P < 0.10) in OVE than CON and OVE+SM. Milk protein and fat percentages were lower (P < 0.05) in CON and OVE compared with OVE+SM. Feeding OVE compared with CON led to lower (P < 0.05) PCK1 and PPARA. At 7 DIM, GSR was greater (P < 0.05) in OVE than CON-fed cows, suggesting a greater antioxidant demand. Feeding OVE+SM resulted in similar expression of GSR compared with CON. Expression of SAHH, STAT5B and MTR was greater (P < 0.05) prepartum in OVE+SM compared with both CON and OVE, and at 7 DIM (P < 0.05) for CON and OVE+SM compared with OVE. FGF21 was lower (P < 0.05) prepartum in OVE than CON and OVE+SM, and increased (P < 0.05) postpartum only in OVE. Expression of DMT3A was greater (P < 0.05) in OVE and OVE+SM, while MTTP was lower in OVE+SM than CON or OVE. Data suggest, supplemental Smartamine M was able to compensate the negative effect of prepartal energy-overfeeding by increasing production and alleviating the demand for intracellular antioxidants.

Key Words: methionine, transition period, nutrigenomics