Abstract #M172
Section: Nonruminant Nutrition
Session: Nonruminant Nutrition: Amino acids
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Gatlin Ballroom
Session: Nonruminant Nutrition: Amino acids
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Gatlin Ballroom

# M172
Bioavailability ofl -lysine sulphate compared with l -lysine·HCl to optimize performance of 12 to 25 kg pigs.
J.P. Oliveira*1, J.K. Htoo2, L. F. T. Albino1, M. I. Hannas1, R. J.B. Rodrigueiro3, N. A.A. Barbosa3, H. S. Rostagno1, 1Federal University of Viçosa, Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2Evonik Industries AG, Evonik Industries AG, Hanau-Wolfgang, Germany, 3Evonik Industries do Brasil, Evonik Industries do Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil.
l -Lysine sulfate (Biolys), containing 54.6% l -Lys as well as other amino acids (AA) and phosphorus as fermentation co-products, is available as an alternative to l -lysine.HCl. A 21-d experiment was conducted to evaluate the relative bioavailability (RBV) on equimolar basis of Biolysrelative to l -Lys.HCl (set at 100% availability). A total of 135 barrows (PIC; initial BW of 12.46 ± 0.55kg) were assigned to 5 treatments with 9 pen replicates (3pigs/pen) for 21 d. A Lys-deficient basal diet (BD) was formulated to contain 0.57% standardized ileal digestible (SID) Lys but adequate in all other AA. The diets included (1) BD, (2) BD + 0.128% l -Lys.HCl, (3) BD + 0.256% l -Lys.HCl, (4) BD + 0.183% Biolys, and (5) BD + 0.366% Biolys. The final BW on d 21 and the overall ADG increased linearly (P < 0.01) by adding both Lys sources. Feed intake was not different but F:G improved (P < 0.01) linearly by supplementing both Lys sources. Performance responses (ADG, ADFI, F:G) of pigs fed diets supplemented with the same inclusion levels of l -Lys·HCl and Biolys were not different (P > 0.05). Using multiple linear regression and the slope ratio the RBV estimates were 104.1 and 113.3% for Biolys relative to l -Lys·HCl to optimize ADG and F:G, respectively. In conclusion, Biolysand l -Lys·HCl are equally bioavailable on equimolar basis as Lys sources for 12 to 25 kg pigs.
Table 1. Performance and bioavailability (BV) of l -Lys sulfate for piglets from 12 to 25 kg1
A,BMeans within a row with different letters differ (P < 0.05) by the SNK test.
1Linear regression analysis; bLH = l -Lys·HCl regression coefficients; bBL = Biolys regression coefficients.
Key Words: bioavailability,l -Lys·HCl, Lys sulfate
Bioavailability of
J.P. Oliveira*1, J.K. Htoo2, L. F. T. Albino1, M. I. Hannas1, R. J.B. Rodrigueiro3, N. A.A. Barbosa3, H. S. Rostagno1, 1Federal University of Viçosa, Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2Evonik Industries AG, Evonik Industries AG, Hanau-Wolfgang, Germany, 3Evonik Industries do Brasil, Evonik Industries do Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil.
Item | BD | Linear | Biolys | CV (%) | ||||
0.0% | 0.128% | 0.256% | 0.183% | 0.366% | Linear | |||
BW, kg2 | 23.58B | 24.35AB | 25.23A | 0.01 | 24.39AB | 25.28A | 0.03 | 5.1 |
ADG2 | 0.530A | 0.566A | 0.608A | 0.01 | 0.568A | 0.611A | 0.03 | 10.4 |
F:G2 | 1.921A | 1.730B | 1.685B | 0.01 | 1.721B | 1.647B | 0.01 | 7.1 |
BV of Biolys vs. | ||||||||
Intercept | bLH | bBL | Bioavailability | |||||
ADG | 0.634 | 0.392 | 0.408 | 104.1 | ||||
F:G | 1.938 | –1.103 | –1.250 | 113.3 |
Key Words: bioavailability,