Abstract #W334

# W334
Undegradable aNDFom in non-forage feeds.
Alessandro Maria Zontini*1, Andreas Foskolos1, Deborah Ross1, Michael Van Amburgh1, 1Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Non-forage fiber feeds are generally highly digestible, however, most calculations of undegradability are made from static calculations based on Chandler et al. (1980) or Weiss et al. (1992). The objective of this study was to analyze the extent of aNDFom degradation in non-forage fiber feeds, to obtain the undegradable aNDFom (uNDF). Samples of 12 feeds (citrus pulp, beet pulp, wheat middlings, soy hulls, corn gluten meal, corn gluten feed, wheat distillers, corn ethanol distillers, flaked corn, rice hulls, soybean meal, and canola meal) were collected, each from 2 providers, and analyzed in duplicate in 3 separate batches for the extent of NDF digestion using the in vitro technique. Samples, 0.5 g, were weighed into Erlenmeyer flasks and 40 ml of Goering and Van Soest (1970) buffer was added to each flask under continuous CO2, and incubated in a water bath at 39°C. After 2 h of incubation, 10 mL of mixed rumen fluid from 2 lactating cattle were added to each flask and continuous CO2 was maintained throughout the fermentation. Fermentations were conducted for 96, 120, and 240 h consistent with previous data from Raffrenato (2011). Residues were filtered on a glass microfiber filter (934-AH, Whataman) with a 1.5 µm pore size to enhance residue recovery. To analyze changes in uNDF the residues were compared with a t-test in JMP. For non-forage aNDFom the uNDF was obtained at 120h with the exception of citrus pulp where residues continued to digest out to 240 h compared with 120 h residues (P-value = 0.002). Table 1. The aNDFom (%NDF) residues of feeds after 96, 120, and 240 h of fermentation
ItemTime (h)SEMP-value
Beet Pulp22a19b17b0.010.004
Canola Meal4041410.010.79
Citrus Pulp21a20a16b0.010.002
Corn Gluten Feed16a14ab13b0.010.028
Corn Distiller1616140.010.50
Corn Germ3429270.030.74
Flaked Corn1414120.020.73
Rice Hulls9493930.010.61
Soybean Meal11990.010.95
Soy Hulls10a9ab8b0.010.022
Wheat Distiller2826250.010.20
Wheat Middling36a31b30b0.010.001
a,bValues with different letters are statistically different.

Key Words: aNDFom