Abstract #W329

# W329
Metabolic profile and onset of puberty in dairy heifers fed reduced-fat distillers grains in replacement of forage.
Angela K. Manthey*1, Jill L. Anderson1, George A. Perry2, Duane H. Keisler3, 1Dairy Science Department, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, 2Department of Animal Science, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, 3Division of Animal Science, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.

Our objective was to determine the effect of increasing the inclusion rate of reduced-fat distillers dried grains (RFDDGS) in replacement of forage in limit-fed diets on the metabolic profile and onset of puberty in dairy heifers. A 16-wk randomized complete block design feeding study was conducted using 48 Holstein heifers (199 ± 2 d of age) with 3 treatments. Treatments were 30% RFDDGS with 68.5% grass hay (30DG), 40% RFDDGS with 58.5% grass hay (40DG), and 50% RFDDGS with 48.5% grass hay (50DG) on a DM basis. All diets also contained 1.5% mineral mix. Rations were limit-fed at 2.65, 2.50, and 2.35% of BW on a DM basis for 30DG, 40DG, and 50DG, respectively to have similar intakes of CP and energy among treatments. Jugular blood samples were collected on 2 d during wk 0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 for metabolite and metabolic hormone analysis. When heifers weighed 200 kg, coccygeal vein blood samples were taken twice per wk for progesterone analysis to estimate onset of puberty. Blood samples continued until cycling was confirmed via ultrasound for the presence of a corpus luteum. There were no interactions of treatment by wk for any of the metabolites and metabolic hormones measured. Glucose (76.3, 77.7, and 77.3 mg/dL; SEM = 1.60 for 30DG, 40DG, and 50DG, respectively) and leptin (4.42, 4.35, 4.59 ng/mL; SEM = 0.088) were similar (P > 0.05) among treatments. There was a quadratic effect (P < 0.05) for cholesterol (93.5, 89.2, and 97.1 mg/dL; SEM = 2.16), plasma urea nitrogen (17.8, 17.8, and 19.9 mg/dL; SEM = 0.35), and a quadratic tendency (P = 0.05) for IGF-1 (102.7, 100.0, and 109.4 ng/mL; SEM = 3.59). Age at puberty (234.6, 244.3, and 235.5 d; SEM = 13.7) and BW at puberty (246.4, 261.3, and 254.0 kg; SEM = 24.9) were similar (P > 0.05) among treatments. These results demonstrate that heifers can be limit-fed diets with greater inclusion rates of RFDDGS and maintain energy status without accumulating excess adipose tissue as indicated by leptin. Treatments had no detrimental effects on age or BW at puberty; however, at this time no measures were made on reproductive performance post-trial.

Key Words: distillers grains, metabolic profile, dairy heifer