Abstract #W324

# W324
Characterization of ingredient loading accuracy on commercial dairy farms in North America and Europe feeding total mixed rations.
Michael C. Barry*1, 1AgModels LLC, Tully, NY.

Successful implementation of precision feeding is predicated on the assumption that farms can accurately deliver the correct amounts and proportions of ingredients during the feed mixing process. Thirty-three commercial dairy herds of varying management styles across North America and Europe feeding total mixed rations (TMR) were surveyed with respect to ingredient loading accuracy. Across farms, 386,011 individual feed loading records were electronically recorded and compiled during the calendar year of 2014. Deviations from target load amounts were calculated as the difference between actual and the targeted amount of ingredient, both in absolute (kg) and relative (percent of target) terms. Absolute bullseyes were defined as those records with a deviation less than 5 kg from the target and averaged 24.1% across all observations, ranging from 4.3% to 73.9% between farms (median 19.8%). Relative bullseyes were defined as those records with a deviation less than 2% from the target and averaged 46.7% across all observations, ranging from 10.8% to 80.6% between farms (median 42.7%). Absolute deviation values that exceeded an absolute value greater than 62.5 kg from the target were designated as absolute outliers, and represented 11.85% of all values, ranging from 1.3 to 35.3% between farms (median 13.1%). Relative deviation values that differed more than 20% of target values were designated as relative outliers and represented 14.3% of all values and ranged from 2.7 to 40.3% between farms (median value of 15.1%). Several nonsensical values (those with actual values <0 kg) were identified and stratified by farm. 3.8% of all values were deemed as nonsensical and ranged from 0.7% to 10.2% between farms. Deviations were skewed toward positive values, indicating a tendency to overload ingredients. These results indicate a wide range of proficiency of feed loading across farms studied, and would suggest that there exists opportunities to assess and improve quality control procedures and the feed loading protocols on dairy farms feeding total mixed rations.

Key Words: total mixed ration, loading accuracy