Abstract #W281

# W281
Mathematical models to predict phosphorus output in manure and milk from lactating dairy cows.
G. Alvarez1,2, J. A. D. R.N. Appuhamy*2, E. Kebreab2, 1Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 2Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis, CA.

Accurate manure and milk phosphorus (P) output estimates are important for monitoring P released to the environment and assist in quantifying P balance in lactating dairy cows. The objectives of the study were (1) to develop empirical models, and (2) evaluate extant models for estimating P output from lactating dairy cows. A meta-regression analysis was conducted using 191 fecal (Pf), 83 urine (Pu), and 110 milk (Pm) P output measurements from 39 studies. Dry matter intake (kg/cow/d), diet composition, milk yield and composition and DIM were used as predictor variables. The Pu was highly variable with a mean of 0.34 ± 0.027 g/cow/d. Two models; with and without DMI data were developed for each Pf and Pm (g/cow/d, Table 1). The DMI-based extant model by Weiss and Wyatt (2004) was the most successful in predicting manure P output [root mean square prediction error (RMSPE) as a percentage of average observed value = 19.6%]. Models developed in this study with and without DMI predicted Pf with RMSPE of 18.6 and 24.0%, respectively. The Pm predictions with and without DMI were related to RMSPE <17.0% of the average measured Pm. Our models also predicted total P output [Pf + Pm + Pu] from lactating dairy cows with good accuracy (RMSPE = 11.8 – 17.3%). The models can be used to improve our understanding of P utilization and excretion in dairy production systems. Table 1. Models developed in this study
Equation1RMSPE (%)
With DMI data
 Pf = −10.7(4.06) + 0.69(0.03) × Pintake + 0.56(0.24) × CP + 0.68(0.17) × GE –0.50(0.10)×Milk18.6
 Pm = 19.1(7.28) + 1.25(0.17) × DMI + 0.20(0.06) × Milk – 6.20(2.21) × MProt –0.02(0.01) × DIM13.9
Without DMI data
 Pf = −10.2(7.43) + 151.0(10.6) × P + 0.96(0.22) × GE – 0.52(0.22) × ADF24.0
 Pm = 36.6(8.46) + 0.45(0.06) × Milk – 0.03(0.01) × DIM – 5.20(2.7) × MProt16.9
1PIntake = P intake (g/cow/d), GE = dietary gross energy (MJ/kg DM), Milk = milk yield (kg/cow/d), MProt = milk protein (%), CP, P and ADF (% of dietary DM).

Key Words: mathematical model, phosphorus excretion, dairy cow