Presentations by Rubén Barajas
Poster Presentation
Influence of a tannins extract preparation supplementation level on the feedlot performance of feedlot bullocks.
Rubén Barajas
Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition: Beef I
Influence of
plant preparation on nematode egg count in feces of receiving bull-calves.
Rubén Barajas
Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Animal Health: Beef cattle
Influence of hydrolysable tannin extract on nematode egg count in feces of receiving beef cattle.
Rubén Barajas
Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Animal Health: Beef cattle
Supplementary levels of
Macleaya cordata
plant extract Sangrovit-RS on feedlot performance and carcass traits of finishing bullocks.
Rubén Barajas
Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition: Beef I
Influence of zilpaterol hydrochloride and enriched-Cr yeast supplementation on feedlot performance lambs.
Rubén Barajas
Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition: Other Ruminants
Influence of zilpaterol hydrochloride and enriched-Cr yeast supplementation on carcass characteristics and meat composition of feedlot lambs.
Rubén Barajas
Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition: Other Ruminants
Tannin extract supplementation on gas production in feces of receiving bull-calves.
Rubén Barajas
Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Production, Management and the Environment III
Influence of hydrolysable tannin extract supplementation on performance of growing-finishing pig.
Rubén Barajas
Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Nonruminant Nutrition: Energy & fiber
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