ADSA Southern Section Symposium: Maximizing forage quality in the Southeast

Section: ADSA Southern Section Symposium
Day/Time: Monday 2:00 PM–4:30 PM
Location: Wekiwa 1/2
Chair: Shannon Davidson, North Carolina State University
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
2:00 PM
#215 Improving corn silage quality in the Southeast and throughout the United States.
Donna M. Amaral-Phillips
2:30 PM
#216 The effect of forage quality on health and performance of dairy cattle.
Adegbola T. Adesogan
3:00 PM
#217 Warm season annual grasses for dairy cattle.
J. K. Bernard
3:30 PM
#218 Forage systems for Southern dairy production.
John G. Andrae
4:00 PM
#219 Environment and crop management as determinants of forage yield and quality in the Southeast.
Gonzalo Ferreira