Presentations by Adam L. Shreck
Oral Presentation
Poster Presentation
Effect of protein supplementation to low-quality forage diets on enteric methane production and ruminal microbial community structure of beef steers.
Adam L. Shreck
Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition: General III
Effect of altered nitrogen excretion by condensed tannin supplementation on steer energy losses.
Adam L. Shreck
Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition: General III
Effects of supplementation to steers consuming green chopped wheat pasture on energy losses and nitrogen balance.
Adam L. Shreck
Monday 4:15 PM–4:30 PM
Panzacola H-3
Oral Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition: General
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