Presentations by Juan J. Romero

Oral PresentationPoster Presentation
Microbial counts, fermentation, and aerobic stability of oats with and without combo inoculant ensiled in vacuum bags and plastic bucket silos.
Juan J. Romero
  • Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM in Gatlin Ballroom
  • Poster Presentation in Forages and Pastures: General forages and forage systems
Microbial count, fermentation, and aerobic stability of regular- and brown midrib-corn hybrids ensiled with and without a combo inoculant.
Juan J. Romero
  • Monday 2:30 PM–2:45 PM in Suwannee 15
  • Oral Presentation in Forages and Pastures: Grasses and silages

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