Presentations by Meagan T. M. King
Oral Presentation
Poster Presentation
Effect of timing of feed delivery on feeding behavior and productivity of dairy cows.
Meagan T. M. King
Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Animal Behavior and Well-Being I
Identifying farm-level factors affecting milking attendance and productivity in automated milking systems.
Meagan T. M. King
Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Animal Behavior and Well-Being II
Comparison of milking and lying behavior between lame and sound cows on dairy farms with automated milking systems.
Meagan T. M. King
Tuesday 3:30 PM–3:45 PM
Sebastian I-2
Oral Presentation in Animal Health: Beef cattle health, lameness & mastitis
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