Abstract #637

# 637
Comparison of delayed weaning and mineral form on lamb growth and parasitism.
Jefferson McCutcheon*1, David Clevenger1, Gary Lowe1, Francis Fluharty1, 1The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

The objectives were to 1) compare a 60 d of age and a 120 d of age weaning on lamb growth and parasitism on pasture and lamb growth in a feedlot and 2) compare form of mineral (BLOCK and LOOSE) offered ad libitum on pasture on lamb growth and parasitism in lambs. Each weaning treatment consisted of 4 replicate fields/pens of 6 lambs per field/pen blocked by gender and initial starting weight. Twin lambs were used with one randomly weaned (WEAN) and one left with its mother for the pasture phase (NURSE). Subdivided perennial pastures were rotationally stocked. Paddocks size matched stocking density between ewes with lambs and weaned lambs. Mineral form was randomly assigned to both weaning groups. After the 63 d pasture phase, nursing lambs were weaned and intact groups were placed in feedlot pens and fed an alfalfa haylage based diet to a pen average final live weight of 54 kg. Statistics were run using SAS Proc Mixed with PDIFF for mean separation. At the end of the pasture phase lamb final live weight was greater for the NURSE lambs (LSM ± SEM) (39.64 ± 0.57 kg) compared with the WEAN lambs (30.26 ± 0.57 kg) (P < 0.05). The pasture ADG was greater for the NURSE (254 ± 6 g/d) than the WEAN (100 ± 6 g/d) lambs (P < 0.05). Packed Cell volumes were lesser for the WEAN lambs (2.6 ± 0.6) at 63 d than the NURSE lambs (1.1 ± 0.6) (P < 0.05). Log-transformed fecal egg counts were greater for the WEAN lambs (3.42 ± 0.29) at 42 d compared with the NURSE lambs (1.88 ± 0.29) (P < 0.05). Mineral form revealed greater ADG for the LOOSE lambs (195 ± 6 g/d) compared with (159 ± 6 g/d) for the BLOCK lambs (P < 0.05). Lamb ADG in the feedlot was similar (P > 0.05) for the WEAN (217 ± 6 g/d) and NURSE (233 ± 6 g/d) lambs, while days on feed was greater for the WEAN (71 ± 5 d) than the NURSE (96 ± 5 d) lambs (P < 0.05). Weaning at 120 d produced greater gains and lower measures of parasitism on pasture compared with weaning at 60 d. In the feedlot this translated to shorter time to final weight. Loose mineral produced greater ADG than block mineral when offered on pasture.

Key Words: lamb, growth, weaning