Abstract #833
Section: Ruminant Nutrition
Session: Ruminant Nutrition: Modifying rumen microbial populations
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Wednesday 4:30 PM–4:45 PM
Location: Panzacola H-2
Session: Ruminant Nutrition: Modifying rumen microbial populations
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Wednesday 4:30 PM–4:45 PM
Location: Panzacola H-2

# 833
Effects of supplemental energy and protein source on performance of steers grazing irrigated corn residue.
Benjamin T. Tibbitts*1, Cody A. Welchons1, Robert G. Bondurant1, Fred H. Hilscher1, James C. MacDonald1, Rick N. Funston2, 1University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 2University of Nebraska West Central Research and Extension Center, North Platte, NE.
Key Words: beef steers, corn residue grazing, supplementation
Effects of supplemental energy and protein source on performance of steers grazing irrigated corn residue.
Benjamin T. Tibbitts*1, Cody A. Welchons1, Robert G. Bondurant1, Fred H. Hilscher1, James C. MacDonald1, Rick N. Funston2, 1University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 2University of Nebraska West Central Research and Extension Center, North Platte, NE.
Seventy-five crossbred steer calves (235 ± 1.1kg) grazing irrigated corn residue were blocked by BW and randomly assigned to 5 treatment groups (n = 15) to evaluate the effects of protein and energy supplementation on steer performance. Steers were supplemented daily at 1100–1200 via a Calan gate system for 86 d. Treatment supplements consisted of 60% soy-pass + 40% soybean meal (SP), dried distillers grains (DDG), 89% Corn/6% Molasses/5% Urea (C + RDP), corn only (CRN), and control (NS) fed at 1.59, 1.36, 1.82, 1.7, and 0.0 kg DM/d respectively. Supplements were fed at different DM amounts to provide equal TDN intake. Estimated TDN values by supplement were 87% (SP), 104% (DDG), 87% (C + RDP), and 83% (CRN). Ending BW (P < 0.05) differed among treatments and was 291, 286, 254, 245, and 229 (SEM 4.9) kg for SP, DDG, C + RDP, CRN, and NS respectively. Average daily gain among treatments was 0.67, 0.6, 0.24, 0.14, and - 0.09 kg (SEM 0.06) for SP, DDG, C + RDP, CRN, and NS respectively and was significantly different (P < 0.05) among all treatments. Treatment groups supplemented with SP and DDG achieved average daily acceptable gains above 0.5 kg, while C + RDP, CRN, and NS treatment groups achieved average daily gains lower than 0.5 kg. The SP treatment provided a combination of RDP and RUP which resulted in greatest ADG among treatments when supplement TDN was similar.
Key Words: beef steers, corn residue grazing, supplementation