Abstract #T33
Section: Animal Health
Session: Animal Health: Lactating cows
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Gatlin Ballroom
Session: Animal Health: Lactating cows
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Gatlin Ballroom

# T33
Evaluation of experimental novel germicide postmilking teat dips and a commercial iodine barrier postmilking teat dip on teat end and teat skin health and integrity.
Rae Sires1, Kia Knutson1, Leo L. Timms*1, 1Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011.
Key Words: postmilking teat dip, germicide, teat health
Evaluation of experimental novel germicide postmilking teat dips and a commercial iodine barrier postmilking teat dip on teat end and teat skin health and integrity.
Rae Sires1, Kia Knutson1, Leo L. Timms*1, 1Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011.
Study objective was to evaluate prototype novel germicide post milking teat dips versus a control commercial iodine barrier post milking teat dip on overall teat end (TE) and teat skin (TS) health and integrity. Control dip was Bovi-Kote (1% iodine with 10% multiple emollient system (low drip): Boumatic, Inc.) and treatment dips were a novel germicide dip with 10% citrate, parabens, and varying methylene blue (MB) (0.1, 0.25, and 0.4%) and emollient (5, 10, and 11%) concentrations (Zurex Pharma Inc.). Trial used a split pen and split udder design. Twenty-four early- mid lactation Jersey cows in a single pen were used with 12 cows having a blue leg band (BLB group) to designate them as trial group 1 while the other 12 had no leg band (NLB group). Left teats of all 24 cows were post dipped with Bovi-Kote (control) while right teats were were initially dipped with a 0.1% methylene blue dip (1/29) but differed in emollient % (5 v 11%). Dips changed to .25% MB (2/10) to enhance coloration. NLB teats switched to a 0.4% MB with 11% emollients (2/19), while BLB teats switched to a higher emollient (10 v 5%) no drip teat dip (2/20). Trial was 5 weeks in duration (Jan –Feb). TS and TE scoring were performed 1st 4 trial days, then 3×/week using Goldberg and Timms methods (1–5 scoring for both, 0.5 increments for TE scores). Mixed procedure of SAS with repeated measures (quarter within cow as a repeated measure) were used to analyze TS and TE data and GENMOD procedures of SAS with repeated measures was used to analyze % rough teat ends or dry/chapped teat skin, with P < 0.05 considered significant. Results of experimental vs commercial control dip were similar across groups so data were combined. No significant differences in TS score were seen (99+% excellent). TE scores and % rough teats were not significantly different during weeks. One and 4, but were significantly higher [1.6, 13% (Exp) v 2.1, 27% (Con) P < 0.01] and compromised in control teats during wks. 2–3, corresponding to temperature change (30°F (−1C) to −4°F (−20C)). Experimental dip showed significantly better TE during colder weather and temperature changes.
Key Words: postmilking teat dip, germicide, teat health