Abstract #M75

# M75
Association with disease resistance markers and economic traits in Korean native chickens.
Boyeong Park*1, Anh Duc Truong1, Jihye Ban1, Yeong Ho Hong1, 1Chung-Ang University, Anseong, Gyeonggi, Korea.

Avian coccidiosis is a mucosal infectious disease that significantly impairs the growth and feed efficiency of chickens. There are associations between oocyst and body weight, the parameters of resistance to coccidiosis and SNPs in 2 genes [Myeloid leukemia factor 2 (MLF2), T cell receptor-β (TCR-β)] located on chromosome 1. A total of 5 SNPs of MLF2 and TCR-β genes were assessed for genetic effects on disease resistance. The MLF2-SNP_892 (GG) is most significantly related to decreased oocyst shedding. Besides, a combination of SNPs is mostly associated with disease resistance. A total of 340 female chickens from 7 pure-bred chicken lines [Rhode Island Red (RIR) D line, Korean Native Chicken (KNC) gray, KNC black, KNC, Leghorn F, Leghorn K, and Ogey line] were used to genotype with real-time PCR (LightCycler 960). The SNP genotyping was carried out for each line using the High Resolution Melting Master (LightCycler 480) that represent melting curves after PCR amplification. Interestingly, their haplotype is significantly matched with their economic traits. Taken together, this new information will be a parameter that disease resistance markers related with phenotypes consist of body weight, weight of first egg and further study required to prove those marker’s availability in poultry breeding industry

Key Words: chicken, disease resistance marker, high-resolution melting