Abstract #W21

# W21
Jorge A. Saltijeral Oaxaca1, Luis Galicia1, Juan E. Guerra2, H. I. Rogge*3, 1Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico, DF, Mexico, 2Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Culiacan, Sinaloa Mexico, 3Phytobiotics Futterzusatzstoffe GmbH, Eltville, Germany.

The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of Sangrovit CS, plant-derived quaternary benzophenanthridine and protopine alkaloids (QBA+PA) on growth performance and health status of calves. A total of 160 Holstein Friesians calves obtained from 2 commercial farms of Tizayuca/Mexico were randomly assigned into 2 groups: a) control, b) Treatment (control + 5 g/meal of QBA+PA product added into the milk replacer (MR) from the 3rd until the 23rd day of life). Calves were fed twice daily 2 L of MR/meal and concentrate and alfalfa ad libitum. Colostrum, MR, bacteriological and parasitic fecal analysis were conducted. The coproparasitoscopic analyses were performed on 3 and 23 d of age of each calf. In the treatment group no antibiotic of any kind was used, whereas in control the routine farm protocols including antibiotic treatments (ATB) were conducted. The following management factors that influence the health status of the calves were considered: birth management, colostrum and feeding management, housing and hygiene of the calves. Overall, morbidity and mortality rates were 21.8% and 5.66%, respectively, both below the national benchmark parameters, with no significant differences among the groups. In the control group, 2 calves died from diarrhea whereas in the treatment no deaths were observed. The average duration of diarrhea tended to be lower in the treatment group with 2.4 d vs. 3.2 d in the control group (SD 1.25; P = 0.07). Parasitized calves were lower in treatment group (P < 0.01; Table 1). The starting weight was 38.83 kg (±SD 6.12 kg). Weight gain during the trial was 5.596 and 4.045 kg for treatment and control groups respectively (P = 0.07). The QBA+PA had a positive influence on the well-being and weight gain of the calves. Furthermore, it supported to remedy intestinal disorders leading to lower persistence of diarrhea and no death due to diarrhea. Table 1. The most common pathogens found in feces
Entamoeba spp.2117
Eimeria spp.30
Cyptosporidium parvum01
Giardia spp.10
Bacillus spp.63
Escherichia coli66

Key Words: calves, feed additive