Presentations by Gil F. Tansman
Oral Presentation
Poster Presentation
Novel sample preparation for smear ripened cheese rinds evaluated by powder X-ray diffractometry.
Gil F. Tansman
Tuesday 4:30 PM–4:45 PM
Wekiwa 7/8
Oral Presentation in Dairy Foods: Cheese & chemistry
Identification of crystalline entities in the rinds of white mold ripened cheese and smear ripened cheese with powder X-ray diffractometry.
Gil F. Tansman
Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Dairy Foods: Cheese
Characterization of single crystals in the rinds of white mold and smear ripened cheeses with single crystal X-ray diffractometry.
Gil F. Tansman
Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Gatlin Ballroom
Poster Presentation in Dairy Foods: Cheese
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