Ruminant Nutrition: Protein metabolism

Section: Ruminant Nutrition
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Tuesday 2:00 PM–5:00 PM
Location: Panzacola H-3
Chair: John McNamara, Washington State University
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
2:00 PM
#615 Water partitioning in lactating Holstein cows fed two levels of dietary forage and crude protein contents.
J. A. D. R. N. Appuhamy
2:15 PM
#616 Milk yield and composition responses to changes in supply of net energy and metabolizable protein: A meta-analysis.
Jean-Baptiste Daniel
2:30 PM
#617 Updating protein requirements and responses of metabolizable protein efficiency in dairy cows and goats.
Daniel Sauvant
2:45 PM
#618 The effect of concentrate allocation strategy on the performance, health and fertility of high-genetic-merit dairy cows offered a grass silage-based diet.
Mark W. Little
3:00 PM
#619 How the efficiency of utilization of histidine varies with supply in dairy cows.
Helene Lapierre
3:15 PM
#620 Effects of rumen-protected methionine, lysine, and histidine on lactation performance of dairy cows.
F. Giallongo
3:30 PM
#621 Evaluation of a rumen-protected methionine product for lactating dairy cows at 2 concentrations of dietary crude protein.
Shane M. Fredin
3:45 PM
#622 Milk protein yield and plasma concentration of methionine increase in dairy cows fed field peas supplemented with rumen-protected amino acids.
Andre B. D. Pereira
4:00 PM
#623 Increased pre-wilting increases metabolizable protein concentration in grass-clover silage.
Marianne Johansen
4:15 PM
#624 Precision-feeding dairy heifers different levels of dietary fiber and high rumen undegradable protein.
Louisa Bowen
4:30 PM
#625 Dietary fiber and crude protein contents can be modified to minimize enteric methane emissions and nitrogen excretions from dairy cows simultaneously.
M. Niu
4:45 PM
#626 The Effects of substituting true protein with non-protein nitrogen in Holstein dairy heifers precision-fed different forage to concentrate ratios.
Prabha G. Ranasinghe