Physiology and Endocrinology: Estrous synchronization and metabolism

Section: Physiology and Endocrinology
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Wednesday 10:30 AM–12:30 PM
Location: Panzacola H-4
Chair: José E. Santos, Univesity of Florida
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
10:30 AM
#675 Hormonal manipulation of progesterone before initiation of an Ovsynch protocol to increase ovulatory response to the first GnRH treatment in Holstein cows.
P. D. Carvalho
10:45 AM
#676 Progesterone concentration at initiation of Ovsynch and a second prostaglandin F treatment affect luteal regression and fertility to timed AI in lactating Holstein cows.
P. D. Carvalho
11:00 AM
#677 Effect of high or low P4 during ovulatory follicle development on fertility of dairy cows.
Joao Paulo N. Martins
11:15 AM
#678 Effect of a second dose of prostaglandin F during Double-Ovsynch on successful luteolysis and fertility.
Giovanni M. Baez
11:30 AM
#679 Differentially expressed genes in endometrium and corpus luteum of Holstein cows selected for high and low fertility are enriched for sequence variants associated with fertility.
Stephen G. Moore
11:45 AM
#680 Liver metabolism in dairy cows during repeated short-term feed-restrictions and LPS induced systemic inflammation.
Josef J. Gross
12:00 PM
#681 Prediction of portal and hepatic blood flow in cattle.
Jennifer L. Ellis
12:15 PM
#682 Effects of reducing dietary cation-anion difference level on plasma Ca concentration and VDR expression level in gastrointestinal tract of transition mice.
Wen-xuan Wu