Abstract #M258

# M258
Effects of turning duration during incubation and broiler breeder age on hatchability, chick organs, and poultry performance.
Vanessa Michalsky Barbosa*1, Bruno Delphino Medrado1,2, Mariana André Pompeu3, Júlia Sampaio Rodrigues Rocha3, Edgard Onoda Luiz Caldas3, Genilson Bezerra Carvalho4, Leonardo José Camargos Lara3, Nelson Carneiro Baião3, 1Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 2Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology–Santa Inês Campus, Santa Inês, Bahia, Brazil, 3Department of Animal Science, Veterinary School, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 4Department of Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science School, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil.

We evaluated in an industrial scale, the effects of turning duration (15, 17 and 19 d) in the incubation phase and Cobb broiler breeder age (33 and 63 weeks) on the hatchability of fertile eggs (HF), the weights of the heart (HW) and yolk sac (YSW) and their relation to the weight of chicks: (HW/CW and YSW/CW, respectively). The poultry performance was analyzed by chick weights during the housing (BW1), broiler weights at 42 d old (BW42), weight gain from 1 to 42d (WG), feed intake from 1 to 42d (FI), feed conversion from 1 to 42d (FC) and viability from 1 to 42d (VIAB). It was used a completely randomized design. Eighteen trays (replication) with 96 eggs each were used for the evaluation of hatchability. For the organs it were used 36 chicks per treatment, and the chick was considered the replication. To evaluate the poultry performance, we used 6 pens with 25 birds per treatment, with pen considered the repetition. Eggs were set in an incubator Casp CMg 125E multistage. On the 15th, 17th or 19th days of incubation, the cessation of egg turning was performed and the eggs were transferred to the hatchers. The unhatched eggs were analyzed to determine infertility. The male chicks were housed in an experimental stable and the performance parameters were measured weekly. Data were analyzed using PROC GLM of SAS 9.2 and the means were compared by F test. In the incubation phase, we used a split plot design and in the performance phase it was used a factorial design. Compared with old flocks, chicks and broilers from young breeder flocks had lower HW (0.36 vs 0.40 g), YSW (5.28 vs 6.47 g), YSW/CW (12.5 vs 13.5%), BW1 (40.0 vs 44.7 g), BW42 (3047.6 vs 3131.4 g), WG (3007.6 vs 3086.8 g) and FI (4860.8 vs 4989.3), independent of the turning duration, but there were no effects of breeder age on HF, HW/CW, FC, VIAB. There were no effects of turning duration, regardless the breeder age. The turning can be discontinued after 15 d of incubation without negative effects on hatchability, heart weight, yolk sac weight, and poultry performance.

Key Words: animal production, day-old chick, embryo development