Abstract #M357

# M357
Nutritional value of hemp byproducts as ruminant feeds.
George N. Gozho*1, Jan C. Plaizier1, 1University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

Hemp byproducts have potential as ruminant feeds, especially now that very low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) hemp varieties contents are available in Canada. Three hemp by-products, i.e., hemp meal, hemp bran, and hemp meal fines, were, therefore, analyzed for their value as ruminant feeds. These values were compared with ruminant feeds that these byproducts may replace, including canola meal, soybean meal, and grain screenings. Analyses included proximate analysis, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVTDMD) analysis using the Dairy II system, and in situ rumen degradability using Dacron bags. The rumen in situ dry matter digestibilities were fitted to an exponential equation using the SAS nonlinear regression procedure. Calculated parameters included washing loss (A), potential digestibility after washing (B), potential total digestibility (A + B) and digestibility rate (c). Results showed that hemp meal contained less CP, and more fiber and fat, and had lower in situ and in vitro dry matter digestibilities than soybean meal. Hemp meal had a similar CP content, contained more fiber and fat, and had lower in situ and in vitro dry matter digestibilities than canola meal. Hemp bran had a very high fiber content and was less digestible than grain screenings. Hemp seed fines had a similar chemical composition than hemp meal, but it was more digestible than hemp meal. Hemp meal could be an alternative for other high protein feeds, but its relatively low digestibility must be taken into account. Table 1. Evaluation of hemp byproducts for ruminant feeds
Hemp mealHemp branHemp seed finesCanola mealSoybean mealGrain screenings
CP, % DM36.215.929.137.152.910.3
NDF, % DM56.576.
ADF, % DM34.056.029.618.05.527.5
Crude fat, %9.512.1ND2.40.72.4
Ash, % DM6.
IVTDMD, %49.446.770.867.286.554.1
Rumen digestibility
 B, %23.36.3316.640.563.248.0
 A+ B, %61.631.476.687.599.983.3
 c, %/h0.

Key Words: hemp byproduct, ruminant, feed