Abstract #135

# 135
Relationships between hair coat shedding and hair cortisol concentrations and age at first calving in crossbred beef heifers.
Rhonda C. Vann*1, Michael Robinson2, Scott T. Willard2, Thomas H. Welsh4, Ronald D. Randel3, 1MAFES-E.G. (Gene) Morrison Brown Loam Branch Experiment Station, Raymond, MS, 2Department Animal & Dairy Science, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, 3Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center, Overton, TX, 4Texas A&M Department of Animal Science, College Station, TX.

The objective was to evaluate the relationships among hair coat shedding, hair length and hair cortisol concentrations to age at first calving. Spring born (n = 101) crossbred beef heifers (7 to 8 mo. of age) were evaluated for hair length (HL; 1 = short and 5 = long), hair luster (HST; 1 = glossy, healthy appearance and 5 = dull and unthrifty), hair shedding (HS; 1 = short, slick hair, sheds early and 5 = long, late shedding, or full winter coat) at weaning. Calves were weighed, blood samples collected for evaluation of serum cortisol concentrations pre-weaning and at weaning by RIA. At weaning, hair samples were collected over the shoulder, rib and hip area (7.6 cm x 12.7 cm clipped area) for evaluation of hair cortisol concentrations. Hair samples were washed and dried overnight, samples ground using a Retsch mixer miller (200 mm for 10 min), sonicated (at 25 Hz) and incubated 8 h at room temperature. The supernatant was pipetted off and dried under a stream of atmospheric air. Samples were reconstituted before quantification of cortisol using Salimetrics cortisol EIA assay. Data were analyzed using PROC CORR and PROC Mixed of SAS. Hair cortisol concentrations at the rib, hip and shoulder were (P < 0.001) greater in cattle with a red or brown coat color compared with cattle with black coat color. Hair length, HST or HS were not influenced by hair coat color (P > 0.10). Hair length, HST and HS were negatively correlated with adjusted 205-d weaning weight (P < 0.006) and serum cortisol (P < 0.001). Hair length, HST, HS or hair cortisol concentrations were not correlated with age at first calving (P > 0.10). Calving day of the year was negatively correlated with hair coat luster (P < 0.04) and tended to be negatively correlated with hair length (P < 0.07). Pregnancy status was not influenced by hair cortisol concentrations or HL, HST or HS (P > 0.10). In summary, hair cortisol concentrations were influenced by hair coat color. However, hair cortisol concentrations and hair length, luster or hair coat shedding were not adversely associated with age at first calving.

Key Words: hair coat shedding, hair cortisol concentrations, beef heifers